Hess wins trolleybus tender for Salzburg


By Heather Rose - 31st January 2019

Switzerland / Austria – Swiss bodybuilder, Carosserie Hess AG, headquartered in Bellach, has won a tender to supply 50 new electric trolleybuses to Salzburg, Austria with deliveries to be spread over six years. The order is to start with 15, Hess lighTram19 vehicles measuring 18.7m in length and valued at CHF17.5m. A further 35 of these vehicles are to be delivered over the following five years and these will include the double articulated Hess lighTram25 model. These are 24.7m long and have capacity for up to 220 passengers.

Hess argues an increase in passenger capacity has been enabled through the use of an innovative on-board energy management system, which permits a lighter weight construction and use of considerably less energy than conventional trolleybuses.

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