Librelato’s strong semi-trailer order book continues in 2019 after revenues double in 2018


By Jim Gibbins - 1st April 2019

Brazil - Trailer and truck body builder, Librelato S.A. of Icará, State of Santa Catarina, last month announced orders for 202 vehicles for delivery this year; 180 units from Fontanella Transport and 22 from Transportadora Peregrina.

Fontanella, based in Santa Catarina State, which one of the largest logistics companies in Brazil, has bought 90 semi-trailers and 90 truck bodies for dry goods transport. Valdir Fontanella, managing partner of Fontanella said the order was part of its fleet expansion plan in response to higher demand for road freight anticipated this year. The 22 for Peregrina is the beginning of a major purchasing plan, as it looks to expand its fleet 40% this year.

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