VTNA introduces new Turbo Compound technology for VNL trucks


By Jim Gibbins - 1st September 2019

Sweden / USA - Volvo Trucks North America (VTNA) of Greensboro, North Carolina, USA is introducing next generation Turbo Compound technology claimed to provide up to an additional 3% improvement in fuel efficiency over the current 13-litre Turbo Compound engine, the D13TC. The new engine delivers up to 11% fuel savings overall compared to model-year 2015 trucks, the Swedish subsidiary claims. Other improvements include enhanced efficiency over a wider range of applications, more engine ratings and a new EE Extra Efficiency drive mode. The new D13TC will be available for order in the fourth quarter of 2019 and go into production at the end of the first quarter of 2020.

John Moore, product marketing manager at VTNA, remarked: “We developed our first generation of the Turbo Compound engine in 2017, and since then almost 300 million miles have been logged, validating the up to 8% fuel-savings benefits. This new D13TC further increases fuel efficiency by up to 3% over the current engine, saving approximately USD1,200 per year per truck, based on the average fuel price and 125,000 miles per year.”

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