New entrant - Infraprime Logistics - builds India’s first all-electric heavy-duty 60-tonne tractor unit


By Jim Gibbins - 1st November 2019

Gurugram – An Indian start-up, Infraprime Logistics Technologies Pvt Ltd (IPLT)1 of Gurugram has made what it is claiming India’s first heavy-duty electric truck. Fully designed, developed and built in India, the first variant called the Rhino 5536 6x4 tractor unit can operate up to 60-tonnes gvw and offers a range when fully laden of 200km.

Offering a range of 200km when fully loaded, it is powered using a 265kWh Lithium Titanate battery pack that weighs more than two metric tonnes. It can be charged in under 90 minutes using a 160kW twin gun fast charger. The truck uses four major computer control systems – motor control, transmission, battery management, and battery charging system. It is featured with an automatic transmission for a two-speed operation. The IPLT electric truck is equipped with a sophisticated battery cooling system, where an in-built air-conditioned secondary cooling system allows the liquid refrigerant makes direct contact with the cells rather than just the battery pack. (The battery pack  maintain temperature around each cell at below 35 degree Celsius even when ambient temperature climbs above 50 degree Celsius).

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