53 VDL Citea Electric buses ordered by KVB Cologne


By Jim Gibbins - 1st February 2020

The Netherlands / Germany VDL Bus & Coach has confirmed an order for 53 Citea Electric buses from public transport company, KVB Cologne, Cologne, Germany. Scheduled to operate in the city centre of Cologne the order includes 48 SLFA-181 electric articulated buses in the BRT design and five Citea SLF-120 electric buses. Initial deliveries are to commence the last quarter of 2020.

Boris Höltermann, managing director of VDL Bus & Coach Deutschland GmbH, said: "KVB ordered the first fully electric articulated Citeas from us in 2016. The decision for this follow-up order shows the vehicles have proven themselves in daily use." KVB took delivery of eight SLFA-181 Electric in 2016 and became the first operator in Europe with electric articulated buses.

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