Thompsons Loadmaster X-Lite body shaves off 750kg in weight of 32t tipper
By Jim Gibbins - 1st August 2020
UK – Tipper body specialist, Croydon-based Thompsons Group, has developed the Loadmaster X-Lite, which is Thompsons’ lightest ever steel tipper rigid body. A recent delivery of three new eight-wheeler tippers on a Scania chassis registered a tare weight of just 12,740kgs and a payload capacity of 19,260kg (32t gvw). With the Loadmaster X-Lite – the payload is said to be around threequarters of a tonne above typical 18,500kg tipper payloads.
Thompsons manufactures X-Lite bodies from the latest Hardox sheet steel - 500tuf. This material is claimed to retain the long-proven strength of standard Hardox 450, but is 20% thinner – meaning on a Loadmaster X-Lite an otherwise standard 5mm thick floor reduces to 4mm, with side panels coming down to 3.2mm thick, and the headboard at just 3mm. The customer also specified a front to back electric sheeting system, air operated tailgate, toolbox and Edbro front end tipping gear.