Cummins celebrates 50 years in Brazil and 1.4 million engines manufactured


By Jose Secco - 3rd January 2022

BrazilCummins Brasil Ltda of Guarulhos, São Paulo State, celebrated several milestones in South America during 2021. The past 12 months saw the production of the 1.4 millionth engine, in addition to marking 50 years of the firm’s operations in Brazil. The 1,400,000th unit was a 3.8-litre ISF engine, with output of 163hp and 600Nm of torque, delivered to Volkswagen for installation in the Delivery truck. The production milestone is part of the company's 50th anniversary celebrations in the country, which occurred on December 22nd.

In December 1971, Cummins acquired the production assets for diesel engines and tractors from Otto Deutz, located in Guarulhos, SP, on the banks of Via Dutra, the headquarters of the operation. The production of diesel engines of the brand for trucks and buses began in 1973 and represented investments of USD49m.

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