Fuso sells Canters to Zimbabwe following assembly in South Africa
By Will Pulson - 18th July 2022

Fuso Canter truck - One of 250 for Day's Inn bakery in Zimbabwe
Japan / Zimbabwe / South Africa - Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation (Fuso), based in Kawasaki City in Japan’s Kanagawa prefecture, says it is now in the process of delivering an order for 250 Canter trucks from the Harare, Zimbabwe-head office of regional bakery company, Baker’s Inn.
The first fifty trucks were delivered in May by the truck-maker’s local distributor, ZIMOCO, with the remaining 200 trucks scheduled to be delivered in the next two years. (ZIMOCO officially opened the Regional Centre Southern Africa (RCSA) in 2016, and together with its sister dealership, Southern Cross Motors, it has been the exclusive general distributors of Daimler Truck Southern Africa (DTSA) for commercial vehicles in Zimbabwe and Zambia).