Randon to invest USD19.5 million in renewable energy generation for plants in Brazil
By Luke Willetts - 2nd October 2022
Brazil – Randon Companies (Randon Group) of Caxais du Sol, has announced it plans to invest some BRL 100 million (USD19.5m) by 2030 in renewable energy generation to supply its industrial units.
The first project, slated to be finished by December this year, is a photovoltaic plant with 2,300 solar panels installed at the Randon Technology Centre (CTR), in Farroupilha (RS). Costing BRL 7.2 million, it will supply 100% of the CTR’s energy demand for the next 25 years, meaning that all vehicles developed and tested at the site will use clean energy from 2023. Furthermore, 30% of the energy generated will serve the shipping area of Randon Implementos (trailers and truck bodies), located in the group's industrial complex in the Interlagos district, in Caxias do Sul (RS).