Otokar delivers 30 buses to Georgia
By Bradley Osborne - 8th January 2023

The Vectio U by Otokar
Turkey / Georgia – Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi AŞ (“Otokar”) of Sakarya, Turkey has announced it recently delivered 30 intercity buses to Georgia which will be employed by the country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Otokar reportedly began exporting vehicles to Georgia in 2020 following a deal with the government for 175 buses. Since then, the Turkish manufacturer has exported more than 200 units from the ‘Kent’ and ‘Navigo’ ranges, now operating in six municipalities in the country. The 30 buses delivered recently are from the ‘Vectio U’ 9-metre intercity range and will be used to transport personnel working for the Ministry of Internal Affairs.