Librelato reaches 31 Libreparts stores across Brazil


By Jose Secco - 11th February 2024

Librelato reaches 31 Libreparts stores across Brazil

Box Libreparts - A container offering components for Librelato Trailers

Brazil – Trailer builder, Librelato S.A., located in Içara, Santa Catarina, in 2023 continued to expand its aftermarket parts and services operations by adding ten more Libreparts outlets resulting in a total of 31 points of sale in Brazil, including 27 stores and four Libreparts boxes (containers). Recently, it opened five new units in five key states of Minas Gerais, Paraná, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Sul and Tocantins. Since 2018, when the first unit was created, Libreparts stores have grown consistently year after year.

Silvio Campos, the company's commercial director said that the parts stores have been developed with trusted partners and added that in 2023, Librelato parts and components sales revenues increased by 45% compared with the previous year.

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