Volvo to roll out active safety systems across all bus and coach ranges


By Bradley Osborne - 29th May 2024

Volvo to roll out active safety systems across all bus and coach ranges

Promotional image for Volvo Buses' ADAS range

Sweden Volvo Bus Corporation of Gothenburg, Sweden has announced that it will be installing EU GSR II-compliant advanced driver assistance systems across all its new bus and coach models, including those sold in non-EU markets where vehicle safety requirements are less stringent.

Volvo has developed multiple active safety systems for its bus and coach ranges. These include emergency braking, blind spot detection, and collision mitigation, primarily designed to avoid or minimise the impact of accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists.1 The company claims that its in-house systems exceed the EU’s requirements, giving two examples: (1) its emergency braking system responds not only to other vehicles (the base requirement) but also to pedestrians; (2) its side collision avoidance system monitors both sides of the vehicle and not just the passenger side (legally required).

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