VWCO customizes more than 4,500 vehicles in 2023


By Jose Secco - 24th July 2024

VWCO customizes more than 4,500 vehicles in 2023

Customised VW Delivery truck model

Brazil – In a transformative year for the Brazilian transport sector marked by the adoption of PROCONVE P8 (Euro VI) environmental legislation, Volkswagen Caminhões e Ônibus Ltda of Resende, Rio de Janeiro has achieved significant milestones. The company says it customized more than 4,500 vehicles within its Euro VI vocational trucks line and claims to have introduced more than 30 new models.

Among the most requested modifications in 2023 were to the light VW Delivery 4x4 truck model, and the Volksbus bus chassis tailored for the Caminho da Escola program. Rodrigo Chaves, Vice President of Engineering and CTO of the brand suggested that these modifications reflect the growing demand for specialized solutions in the transport sector.

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