Volvo do Brasil offers FH trucks with 100% biodiesel capability as option to help fleet decarbonisation


By Jose Secco - 1st August 2024

Volvo do Brasil offers FH trucks with 100% biodiesel capability as option to help fleet decarbonisation

Volvo Brazil FH biodiesel powered tractor unit

BrazilVolvo do Brasil Ltda of Curitiba, has announced a new version of its FH truck capable of operating on 100% biodiesel (B100). Volvo states that this offering, tailored specifically for the Brazilian market, aligns with its commitment to reducing carbon emissions in the transportation sector, and caters to demand from fleet owners primarily who produce their own biodiesel, primarily from soy.

To accommodate 100% biodiesel, Volvo has developed a specialized engine based on its current Euro 6 engines, available exclusively for the FH model. This design, it claims, is unique in the market, offering a significant step towards sustainable transportation. However, it’s essential to note that B100 compatibility is restricted to trucks manufactured for this purpose; standard FH models are optimized for S10 diesel.

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