Marcopolo exports latest high-end luxury touring coach model - Generation 8 coach – to South Africa


By Jose Secco - 11th August 2024

Marcopolo exports latest high-end luxury touring coach model - Generation 8 coach – to South Africa

Marcopolo G8 Pardiso 1350 for South Africa

Brazil - Marcopolo SA is currently building at least 30, Generation 8 luxury touring coaches at its primary plant and headquarters in Caxias do Sul for export for the first time to the country of South Africa.

Marcopolo states that the African region is the second largest regional market for Marcopolo, surpassed only by Latin America. In 2023, the group’s subsidiary and distributor in South Africa, Marcopolo South Africa (Pty) Ltd (MASA) of Germiston, invoiced 362 units and, for 2024, the forecast is for more than 400 vehicles. During the last four years, Marcopolo’s market share of the South African coach market has doubled in four years from 24% was 48%.

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