Wrightbus retrofit business receives first order for 30 buses


By Bradley Osborne - 12th August 2024

Wrightbus retrofit business receives first order for 30 buses

Used diesel buses being retrofitted at NewPower facility in Bicester

UKWrightbus Ltd, a bus manufacturer based in Ballymena, UK, announced that its ‘NewPower’ division has received its first order for diesel-to-electric retrofitted vehicles from FirstGroup plc, which owns operator First Bus.

After NewPower successfully converted two diesel buses to run on battery electric for First Bus, the operator placed an order for a further thirty buses. Over the next few months, the repowered buses will be deployed in Portsmouth, Norwich, Bramley (Leeds), Leicester, and Aberdeen. Wrightbus says that First Bus is paying less than half the price of a new electric vehicle for each retrofitted bus.

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