Farizon rolls out hydrogen fuel cell heavy trucks


By Will Pulson - 1st September 2024

Farizon rolls out hydrogen fuel cell heavy trucks

Farizon adds HFC heavy truck to new energy vehicle range

China - Geely New Energy Commercial Vehicles Group (Farizon Auto) in July began production of its newly developed Farizon Xinghan G hydrogen fuel cell heavy truck at its Hangzhou plant in China’s Zhejiang province.

The Xinghan G is Farizon’s latest addition to its growing range of new energy commercial vehicles, which also includes battery, methanol and hydrogen powered trucks. The Xinghan G truck in based on the company’s in-house GXA-T smart heavy truck platform and is fitted with the H150 hydrogen fuel cell stack, six 390L hydrogen storage tanks and an 88 kWh power battery, giving it a range of 550 km.

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