Volvo Trucks launches depot charging management software


By Bradley Osborne - 23rd September 2024

Volvo Trucks launches depot charging management software

Promotional image for Volvo Charging Management

Sweden Volvo Trucks Corporation of Gothenburg, Sweden has launched a new digital service for the management of vehicle charging at the depot, with the aim of improving uptime and efficiency for fleets.

Volvo Trucks’ ‘Charging Management’ service has been launched as part of its ‘Volvo Connect’ portfolio of digital products. Using the service, operators can create charging schedules for their vehicles to ensure that each one is fully charged when it needs to leave the depot. A digital application allows the operator to see at a glance the charging status of each vehicle connected to a charger at the depot. Charging schedules can be updated in real time to account for deviations from the original timings.

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