Terberg teams up with Phantom Auto for remote control of terminal tractors


By Jim Gibbins - 1st October 2019

The Netherlands / USA - Benschop-based Terberg Special Vehicles in the Netherlands, is partnering with California-based vehicle autonomy development company, Phantom Auto for remote operation of its AutoTUG terminal tractor. Phantom Auto is to implement the remote technology in the vehicle. Terberg said the technology offers clear advantages as vehicle managers can control vehicles at several sites from the comfort of their office environment and remote operation can be used in locations where manned operation is uncomfortable or dangerous!

Terberg pointed out the advantages: ‘Remote operation can be useful in combination with autonomous functions - Issues that cannot be handled by the automation systems can be resolved remotely, and without on-site intervention. Terminal operators can develop experience of automated yard operations more quickly. New situations can be recognised and resolved by updating the autonomous system and this will reduce the need for intervention by a teleoperator.’

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