VDL improves TCO of Citea LLE


By Jim Gibbins - 1st November 2019

Netherlands - At Busworld Europe last month, VDL Bus & Coach NV of Eindhoven,  introduced the next generation Citea LLE (Light Low Entry) Diesel, with improvements aimed at achieving the lowest possible CO2 footprint with Euro VI diesel engines and further reducing the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Alex de Jong, Business Manager Public Transport at VDL said weight reduction had been achieved by reducing the weight of various components and fuel efficiency had been improved through use of a new sloping aerodynamic front design.

VDL explained wind tunnel tests at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) were made of scale models of both the new and old front ends. The aerodynamic design of the more sloping bus front significantly reduces drag and the results of the wind tunnel tests were so convincing that the Citea LLE Electric now is to be fitted with the new front. In addition to weight reduction and aerodynamic improvements, VDL says work was done on further optimization and expansion of electrically driven components as well as increasing service life of important wear parts.

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