West Bengal state to phase out commercial vehicles of 15 years old or more


By Jim Gibbins - 1st November 2019

Kolkata – The government of West Bengal has decided, with effect from October 18, 2019 will cancel and cease renewal of licenses of vehicles that are 15 years old or more: On the date they reach this age the commercial vehicle registration number (licence plate) is to be made invalid; this should make it easier for the authorities to spot such a vehicle.

Chief secretary for the state of West Bengal, Rajiva Sinha, said that from now on, any commercial vehicle attaining the age of 15 years would become system-locked. The consequence of this is that no transportation operator permit can be renewed against the vehicle, no Pollution-Under-Control (PUC) certificate will be issued and neither will a Certificate of Fitness (CF) be provided for such vehicles.

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