BPW AirSave system aids fleet efficiency


By Jim Gibbins - 1st December 2019

GermanyBPW Bergische Achsen of Wiehl, Germany claims its new AirSave tyre pressure control system pays for itself in the first year, as the system achieves enormous savings in terms of fuel, tyres and time. There is a close correlation between tyre pressure and cost, states BPW: Even minimal pressure differences caused by constantly changing temperatures, load and road conditions increase fuel consumption and tyre wear.

The AirSave system incorporates technology from Pressure Systems International Inc (P.S.I.) of San Antonio, Texas, USA through its European distributor, Celerity DRS GmbH of Recklinghausen, Germany (see separate article in this issue), and this, BPW states, has been developed further with numerous measures. BPW says it placed great importance on an independent, particularly robust and easy to install design for all external components mounted on the wheel end. The system uses the existing trailer pneumatics and, with a fully automatic booster pump, ensures that the pre-set tyre pressure is always maintained. The air is guided through the axle beam to the wheel end and from there to the tyre valve. AirSave tyre inflation system is initiated at a pressure deviation of just 0.2 bar – making it more reliable than other tyre pressure monitoring systems, BPW claims. AirSave is maintenance-free for three years.

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