Frappa offers complete range of low and zero emission refrigerated vehicles
By Jim Gibbins - 1st December 2019
France – Silencio is the name the nitrogen refrigeration system by Frappa Group of Davezieux for its medium and heavy-duty refrigerated rigid trucks and semi-trailers. Frappa has further extended the application range of its patented nitrogen refrigeration system, which is available for vehicles from 6 tons gvw, said Julien Torre-Frappa, president of the Frappa Group at Solutrans last month. The company says it is fully committed to sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions.
Torre-Frappa explained how the systems works: “As the liquid nitrogen expands in a closed system it cools the air around it before being vented to the atmosphere as a gas.” He said there were many operational and environmental benefits with this system including temperature pull down, which he said is between two and five times faster than conventional systems (up to one degrees centigrade (1oC) per minute) and that it has be tested from 30oC and is certified as compliant with ATP conditions. He added it is ultra-quiet at 45 dBA and is well with the Piek rule for night time deliveries of 60dBA in urban areas; there is no defrost requirement; it has currently zero fuel tax; low maintenance; it has a new slimline evaporator at 100mm to 150mm thickness; it is highly ecological with zero CO2 and zero NOx and it has a long life span due to reduced corrosion. The cryogenic nitrogen tanks come in three sizes 420 and 630 litres for rigid and 950 litres.