Production of truck chassis regains momentum in Q1


By Jim Gibbins - 1st April 2021

Brazil - Truck production in Brazil maintained an upward trend in the first quarter this year, despite the assembly lines being forced to shut down towards the end of March and has continued to the second week of April. Output rose by 33.9% to 33,082 in the first quarter, up from 24,706 in the same quarter of 2020.

All segments saw output increase substantially.  While the second smallest volume segment, the medium-duty truck segment saw output increase the most by 74.2% to 1,634 units (938), the one that grew the least was the largest segment in volume terms, that of heavy vehicles, which saw output increase 22.8% to 15,953 units (12,995). The heavy vehicle segment still accounted for half of the country’s output.

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