Sensible 4 piloting autonomous technology north of the Arctic Circle
By Bradley Osborne - 27th July 2022

Toyota ProAce shuttle fitted with Sensible 4 autonomous driving technology
Norway / Finland – In June, autonomous driving technology firm Sensible 4 Oy of Espoo, Finland collaborated with multiple partners to deliver what it claims is the world’s first long-term autonomous shuttle service, operating in the municipality of Bodø which is north of the Arctic Circle in Norway.
Autonomous vehicle service provider Mobility Forus of Sandnes, Norway is currently piloting two battery-electric Toyota ProAce light commercial vehicles, converted into shuttle buses and fitted with Sensible 4’s Level 4 (driverless) autonomous driving technology. Until the new year, the vehicles will operate along a 3.6km route with eight stops between the harbour and the hospital. This includes public roads, on which the vehicles will travel at a maximum speed of 30 km/h. In accordance with Norwegian law, a supervisor will attend at all times to take control if necessary. Sensible 4’s technology is designed specifically for directing vehicles through the demanding weather conditions of the far north; the company has stated that Bodø’s “annual mix of rain, wind, snow, daylight hours, and varying temperatures provide the ultimate test” for the technology.