Brembo establishes venture capital unit - Brembo Ventures
By Luke Willetts - 10th November 2022

PhotonPath Intelligent Photonic Integrated Circuits
Italy – Brake manufacturer, Brembo SpA1 based in Bergamo, Italy, has launched a venture capital unit, called Brembo Ventures, that will invest in technology start-ups specialising in artificial intelligence, big data, sensors, mechatronics, energy efficiency and sustainability in order to find new solutions applicable to both the automotive and commercial vehicle sectors. Technology incubators provide an ecosystem capable of supporting, expanding and accelerating both financial performance and product development, which aims to bring quality products speedily to market.
Brembo Ventures has made its first two investments, a 6.8% acquisition of Milan based, PhotonPath SpA, a deep tech company founded in 2019 which develops integrated photonics*-based products in which Brembo aims to develop digitalised braking systems. The second is a 20% stake in Infibra Technologies Srl based in Pisa, Italy, which also develops and produces integrated photonic systems.