Plug Power showcases stationary fuel-cell power system for EV charging at ACT Expo
By Bradley Osborne - 23rd May 2023
USA – Fuel cell manufacturer and hydrogen producer Plug Power Inc of Latham, New York showcased a fuel cell-electric stationary system for plug-in charging of electric vehicles at the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo in Anaheim, California, held between 1-4 May 2023.
This high-power stationary charging system is a 1-megawatt generator powered by Plug Power’s proprietary fuel cell technology. The system converts hydrogen fuel into electricity, which can then be used to recharge a battery-electric (or other plug-in capable) vehicle. A fleet operator could charge up to 100 vehicles in an 8-hour span off of Plug Power’s fuel cell stationary system. In the future, Plug Power intends to produce 1.5MW systems.