Schaeffler unveils new metallic bipolar plates for fuel cell stacks


By Bradley Osborne - 4th September 2023

Schaeffler unveils new metallic bipolar plates for fuel cell stacks

Operative handling new metallic bipolar plate - Image: Schaeffler

GermanySchaeffler AG of Herzogenaurach, Bavaria has revealed its new design of metallic bipolar plates for fuel cell systems, which it claims will increase the power density and durability of fuel cell stacks for electric vehicles. 

Bipolar plates in fuel cell systems perform a number of important functions. They provide channels both for the separation and distribution of process gases and coolant, and they also allow for the removal of the water (H2O) which results from the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen. Weighing 60g each, up to 400 bipolar plates are layered one on top of the other, each separated by a membrane electrode assembly, to form a single fuel cell stack (~ 140kW). These plates account for about 80% of the stack’s weight and up to 65% of its volume, according to Schaeffler. 

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