Record production for DAF Trucks in 2023
By Luke Willetts - 13th March 2024

DAF 2023 organisational report
Netherlands – Dutch truck manufacturer, DAF Trucks NV, has announced its 2023 market report, overall, a positive year for the OEM, remaining the market leader in five European countries. The company reported a record production of 69,800 units (68,000 in 2022), up 1,800 from the previous year. 57,900 of these were medium and heavy-duty CF, XD, XF, XG and XG+ trucks that came off the production line (56,100 in 2022) and the other 11,900 being LF and XB distribution trucks.
Across Europe, the Dutch manufacturer recorded a solid 15.6% market share in a record market of about 343,000 units, compared with 17.3% in 2022 and 15.9% in 2021. DAF Trucks maintained market leadership (heavy-duty) in the United Kingdom (28.8%), the Netherlands (31.2%), Belgium (20.2%), Hungary (23.1%) and Bulgaria (22.2%), losing that position in Poland it had last year. In the medium-duty segment, DAF realised a market share of 9.1% and continued its market leadership in the United Kingdom (36.6%). Outside of Europe, the company sold 7,500 trucks with record deliveries in South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.