Isuzu unveils new mid-term business plan


By Will Pulson - 13th May 2024

Isuzu unveils new mid-term business plan

Logo representing Isuzu's new mid-term business plan

Japan - Isuzu Motors Ltd, headquartered in Yokohama in Japan’s Kanagawa prefecture, announced its “Isuzu Transformation IX – Growth to 2030” mid-term business plan in early April, designed to transform the truck-maker into a commercial mobility solutions company by 2030 “to address challenges faced by customers and society through transport”.

Isuzu said that under the “Reliability x Creativity” banner, the company aims to drive future growth by strengthening current businesses and by developing new businesses areas starting with autonomous driving solutions, connected services and carbon neutral solutions. The group aims to generate annual net sales of JPY6trn (USD39bn) by the 2031 financial year (FY31), including JPY1trn from these new business areas, and generate an overall operating margin of at least 10%.

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