Cummins begins hydrogen engine production in India for Tata


By Bradley Osborne - 23rd May 2024

Cummins begins hydrogen engine production in India for Tata

Cummins and Tata executives at production launch ceremony

USA / IndiaCummins Inc of Columbus, Indiana, USA has announced that it has started production of hydrogen combustion engines at its factory in Jamshedpur, Jharkand, India for testing with OEM customer Tata Motors.

The first ‘B6.7H’ hydrogen engines rolled off the production line in March and are now being integrated in Tata trucks. Cummins presents the engine as a low-carbon alternative (or zero carbon with “green” hydrogen) to diesel combustion which retains many of the same components and fits into the space taken up by a standard engine. Moreover, Cummins says the engine offers diesel-like performance, range, and refuelling times.

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