Safra delivers first two hydrogen retrofit buses in France


By Bradley Osborne - 24th May 2024

Safra delivers first two hydrogen retrofit buses in France

Fuel cell electric bus retrofitted by Safra

France – The Safra Group of Albi, France has put its first retrofitted hydrogen-powered vehicles on the road in the French administrative region of Occitania, as part of a government project to develop hydrogen-fuelled transportation of people and goods.

On 17 April, Safra handed over two fuel cell electric buses to Carole Delga, President of the Regional Council of Occitania, and other local government officials. The buses, which are the first of a 15-strong order which will be fulfilled before the end of the year, are Mercedes-Benz ‘Intouro’ intercity buses which Safra has retrofitted with electric drivetrain components, fuel cells, and hydrogen storage tanks.1 Six onboard tanks carry 35kg of hydrogen, providing a range of up to 500 km.

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