Fraunhofer begins construction of “research factory” to improve large-scale cell production


By Bradley Osborne - 4th June 2024

Fraunhofer begins construction of “research factory” to improve large-scale cell production

Site of 'research factory' under development in Münster, Germany

Germany – On 30 April, construction began on a “research factory”, located in Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, as part of a government project to test and improve large scale production of battery cells for applications including electric vehicles.

The facility will be led by a subsidiary of the applied research organisation Fraunhofer, the ‘Fraunhofer Research Fab Battery Cell FFB’. Called ‘FFB PreFab’, the 6,450-square-metre building is an initial step towards building an even larger facility, the ‘FFB Fab’, for research into large-scale industrial methods of battery cell production. Fraunhofer aims to eventually open a research factory with a production capacity of up to 200 MWh.

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