SAF-Holland to offer electric trailer axle with MODUL suspensions from mid-2024


By Bradley Osborne - 5th June 2024

SAF-Holland to offer electric trailer axle with MODUL suspensions from mid-2024


GermanySAF-Holland SE of Bessenbach, Bavaria has announced that its electric trailer axle, the ‘SAF TRAKr’, will be offered with the company’s ‘MODUL’ suspension system from the middle of this year.

The TRAKr recuperates energy from braking with a high-voltage 17-kW generator; this recovered energy is then stored in a small lithium battery and can be used for auxiliary purposes, such as powering a refrigeration unit. When the product was launched in 2022, it was packaged with SAF-Holland’s ‘INTRA’ suspension system. Soon, the company will be offering it with MODUL suspension instead. MODUL is described by SAF as a versatile option, allowing for multiple brake and ride height configurations.

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