Volvo NA delivers 41 electric trucks to Californian drayage firm


By Bradley Osborne - 9th June 2024

Volvo NA delivers 41 electric trucks to Californian drayage firm

Volvo VNR Electric trucks in 4 Gen Logistics' fleet

USAVolvo Group North America Inc of Greensboro, North Carolina has delivered 41 battery electric trucks to drayage firm 4 Gen Logistics LLC of Rialto, California, which took part in Volvo’s electric truck trials in 2022 (‘LIGHTS’, or ‘Low Impact Green Heavy Transport Solutions’).

4 Gen Logistics will use its new fleet of ‘VNR Electric’ Class 8 trucks in operations throughout the Inland Empire and between the Port of Long Beach and distribution centres in the region. They will be recharged at two bases: one at the port, where 4 Gen Logistics is installing sixty 350-kW charging stations; and one at the headquarters in Rialto, where it will install thirty 350-kW charging stations.

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