Mullen production site in Tunica becomes Foreign Trade Zone


By Bradley Osborne - 11th June 2024

Mullen production site in Tunica becomes Foreign Trade Zone

Mullen's Tunica, Mississippi plant

USAMullen Automotive Inc, an electric vehicle manufacturer based in Brea, California, has announced that its manufacturing facility in Tunica, Mississippi is now designated as a Foreign Trade Zone, allowing for duty exemptions and deferrals of fees on imports.

Mullen is now entirely exempt from export duties and taxes by U.S. customs for any Class 1 and 3 vehicles sold abroad which are produced at the Tunica site. Moreover, the company may defer payment of import fees for goods shipped to the factory, reducing pressure on cash flow. Mullen estimates that the resulting deferred working capital on domestic sales could result in deferred outlays of up to USD21m in the 2024-25 financial years.

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