ACT Expo 2024: Oshkosh presents two electric vehicles and prototype power distribution unit


By Bradley Osborne - 20th June 2024

ACT Expo 2024: Oshkosh presents two electric vehicles and prototype power distribution unit

Volterra ZSL at Oshkosh stand

USA – At Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo 2024, held between 20-23 May at the Las Vegas Convention Center, Oshkosh Corporation of Oshkosh, Wisconsin displayed two electric vehicles and a prototype power distribution unit for high voltage electrical systems.

The first of two vehicles Oshkosh displayed was the ‘Next Generation Delivery Vehicle’, custom built by Oshkosh Defense for the United States Postal Service. Oshkosh is contracted to deliver between 50,000 and 165,000 units over a 10-year period. Although this includes a mixture of combustion and battery-powered vehicles, the van on display at ACTExpo was an electric model.

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