Lion Electric debuts Class 8 battery-electric truck at ACT


By Luke Willetts - 26th June 2024

Lion Electric debuts Class 8 battery-electric truck at ACT

Marc Bedard, CEO and founder of Lion Electric speaking at ACT 2024

USA / Canada – Last month at the Advanced Clean Technology exhibition (ACT Expo) in Las Vegas, Canadian electric vehicle manufacturer, The Lion Electric Co, based in Saint-Jérôme, Quebec, debuted its new Class 8 battery-electric truck (Lion8 Tractor). Currently in series production in Joliet, Illinois, the 127,000 pound (57.6 tonnes) GVW truck is powered by a TM4 Sumo electric powertrain from Dana and is fitted with a 630 kWh battery pack which provides a range of 275 miles (440kms) on a single charge. Fast charging capabilities allow the vehicle to charge up to 80% in 1.5 hours. The 6X4 axle configuration has two integrated two-speed eAxles ensuring optimal power distribution. Additional features include an ADAS system, fleet telematics software (LionBeat) and an onboard weighing system further optimising vehicle safety and operational efficiency.

This vehicle launch will come as welcome news after the company was forced to cut 150 jobs last year, roughly 10% of its workforce in the U.S. and Canada amid financial pressure as it seeks profitability. The job cuts came in the manufacturing and administrative segments of the business.

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