Bosch outlines its hydrogen strategy at ACT


By Luke Willetts - 11th July 2024

Bosch outlines its hydrogen strategy at ACT

ACT Expo 2024

USA / Germany – Last month at the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo 2024 in Las Vegas, the multi-national engineering and technology company, Robert Bosch GmbH, based in Stuttgart, Germany, outlined its multifaceted hydrogen strategy in the transport industry, having invested USD 530 million in the development of hydrogen technologies last year. The aim is to create a complete hydrogen value chain from the production, distribution (storage tanks), consumption (hydrogen engines) and management (telematics) of green hydrogen at scale. Currently, the company is engaged in multiple projects throughout this value chain.

Representatives told us that the company is developing “cryopump” technology to support faster re-fuelling times, utilising existing powertrain technology where necessary. Bosch claims that “90 percent of existing development and manufacturing technologies can be re-utilised, as the basic structure of the fuel, air and exhaust system can be adopted from existing powertrain solutions.” The aim is to refuel HGVs with 100kgs of hydrogen in 10 minutes or less.

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