Brazilian road equipment industry shows sign of recovery in first five months of 2024


By Jose Secco - 12th July 2024

Brazil - From January to May of this year, the Brazilian road equipment industry (trailers, semi-trailers and bodies on chassis) recorded growth of 0.9%, with the sale of 61,667 units, compared with 61,095 in the same period of 2023.

According to José Carlos Spricigo, president of ANFIR-National Association of Road Equipment Manufacturers, said the ‘heavy’ segment (Trailers and Semi-trailers) throughout the year (2024) had demonstrated a better sales pace than the ‘light’ segment (Body on chassis). Sales of Trailers and Semi-trailers (Heavy) increased by 6.3% during January to May 2024 to 36,967 units when compared to 34,776 in the same period last year. The Body on Chassis market recorded a decline of 6.15% in the first five months of the year with companies delivering 24,700 bodies to the market, compared with 26,319 in 2023.

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