FEV wins sustainability award for battery recycling


By Luke Willetts - 20th July 2024

Germany  – FEV Consulting of the FEV Group GmbH, an engineering consultancy firm based in Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, has won a sustainability award for an innovation in battery technology. FEV’s “CycleBat” allows OEMs to predict the economic, ecological and recycling costs related to its battery development. The award was presented by the ATZ/MTZ Group and management consultants Arthur D. Little at the 18th International MTZ Congress on Future Powertrains in Chemnitz on May 15, 2024. The process takes into account the entire life cycle of the batteries. Lower costs associated with recycling and material recovery will ultimately make the battery industry more competitive, bringing down the price in the long term.

Alexander Nase, Managing Director of FEV Consulting said:

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