Volkswagen starts series production of trucks and bus chassis at industrial complex in Córdoba, Argentina


By Jose Secco - 28th July 2024

Volkswagen starts series production of trucks and bus chassis at industrial complex in Córdoba, Argentina

Truck production on new production line in Cordoba, Argentina

Argentina / Brazil – Almost one year on from pilot production, May 2024 saw Volkswagen Caminhões e Ônibus Ltda (VWCO*), in collaboration with Volkswagen Argentina S.A., start series production of four truck models and a bus chassis at the Volkswagen Group’s 15,000 square metre Industrial Centre in Córdoba, Argentina. This strategic move marks a significant milestone aimed at accelerating VWCO's market presence in the Argentine commercial vehicle sector, which previously stood as the company's primary international export market.

The production includes two trucks from the Delivery line (9,170 and 11,180), two from the Constellation family (17,280 in both rigid and tractor versions), and the Volksbus (15,190 OD). Production is taking place on a newly established assembly line within the Industrial Centre. Initially, 800 units are projected for this year, with the potential to increase this to 2,700 vehicles.

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