Ebusco using contract manufacturing in an attempt to save cash


By Luke Willetts - 4th August 2024

Netherlands – Earlier this year electric bus builder, Ebusco Holding NV, based in Deurne, made a raft of announcements including an organisational restructuring and the appointment of co-CEOs, Frank Meurs and Michiel Peters. Now, in an attempt to plug the hole in the budget sheet by producing more buses and therefore fulfilling orders, the company is re-introducing the use of contract manufacturers (assembly partners in China) to aid the main factory in Deurne. In a statement justifying this change of strategy, the company said: “Ebusco says its current guidance of revenue in excess of EUR 325 million combined with a positive EBITDA in 2024, released in March 2024, is no longer achievable.”

Organisational restructuring

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