Iveco Bus to supply 900 Crossway buses to Austrian public transport operator


By Luke Willetts - 10th August 2024

Austria / ItalyIveco Bus (a brand of the Iveco Group NV) based in Turin, has won a contract to supply Austrian public transport operator ÖBB Postbus (Österreichische Postbus AG ) with 900 Crossway buses. The order is made up of 550 Crossway (10 and 12 metre) and 350 Crossway LE buses, set to be delivered by the end of 2028. ÖBB Postbus already has 1300 Crossway buses in its fleet.

Over 60,000 Crossways have been sold in various versions, all produced in the Czech Republic at Iveco’s Vysoke Myto plant, one of Europe’s largest bus manufacturing facilities.

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