Tiger Trailers to supply 20 moving deck LSTs to AO


By Bradley Osborne - 13th August 2024

Tiger Trailers to supply 20 moving deck LSTs to AO

Iveco truck with Tiger LST for AO

UKTiger Trailers Ltd of Winsford, UK has announced that British electrical retailer, AO World plc of Bolton, is investing more than GBP2m in twenty of its “longer semi-trailers” (LSTs), as well as ten compressed natural gas Iveco tractor units.

AO is adding twenty moving double deck trailers to its fleet which are 2.05 metres longer than its standard trailers. Appliances can be double stacked on the lower and upper decks and loaded four units wide, increasing the total capacity by 10%. The trailers are installed with hydraulic ram lifting decks which Tiger developed in-house.

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