Cellcentric opens pilot production line in Germany


By Luke Willetts - 15th August 2024

Cellcentric opens pilot production line in Germany

cellcentric facility in Kircheim, Germany

Germany / Sweden – The fuel-cell manufacturing joint venture between Daimler Truck AG of Stuttgart, Germany and the Volvo Group of Gothenburg, Sweden, cellcentric GmbH & Co. KG., has inaugurated its 10,300 square metre manufacturing facility in Kircheim, Germany. A pilot production line has opened on-site, intending to scale up production throughout the decade. The joint venture aims to become a leading global manufacturer of fuel cells produced on a commercially viable scale to facilitate cost-effective vehicle and other applications and take a major step towards climate-neutral and sustainable transportation by 2050. The company intends to cover the entire fuel cell ecosystem, from product manufacturing to maintenance and recycling at the end of its life cycle.

Lars Johansson, Chief Commercial Officer and Chief Organizational Officer of cellcentric said:

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