British bus and coach market continues to grow with 61.7% increase in registrations for Q2 2024


By Bradley Osborne - 3rd September 2024

UK – The British bus and coach market rose a whopping 61.7% to 1,826 registrations in the second quarter of 2024, according to statistics published by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).

The 1,826-unit figure recorded for Q2 2024 massively outperformed the same period of the year before, when SMMT reported Britain’s best Q2 registrations since 2019 (1,129). The British bus and coach market has now enjoyed consecutive growth across five quarters, which SMMT attributes primarily to higher demand driven by the government’s cap on bus fares. Double deck buses led the way with a 100.5% increase in registrations to 387 units. The minibus segment also saw massive growth, reporting 97.2% to 903 units. The single-deck segment increased by a more modest 12.1% to 536 units.

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