Indian Oil trials 15 Tata HFC buses with the Indian Navy


By RACE Innovations Pvt Ltd - 4th September 2024

Indian Oil trials 15 Tata HFC buses with the Indian Navy

Ceremony to mark delivery of the Indian Oil Tata Motors HFC buses for the Indian Navy

India - Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL) of New Delhi has launched a pilot project by deploying 15 Tata hydrogen fuel cell buses with the Indian Navy. This initiative, which marks delivery of a tender won by Tata Motors Ltd of more than three years ago, aims to explore hydrogen fuel cell technology for heavy-duty transportation.

The project will evaluate the performance of these fuel cell electric buses in the Delhi NCR region's challenging climate. It will focus on how local fuel and air quality affect the buses' efficiency, longevity, and operational reliability, particularly for public transit fleets.

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