Volvo selects Monterrey for new Mexican heavy-duty truck plant


By Bradley Osborne - 5th September 2024

Volvo selects Monterrey for new Mexican heavy-duty truck plant

City of Monterrey in Mexico

USA / Mexico AB Volvo of Gothenburg, Sweden has announced it has selected Monterrey in the Mexican state of Nuevo León as the location for its new heavy-duty truck plant, which will support the group’s growth plans in the North American and Latin American markets.

Representing a planned total investment of USD700m, the Monterrey plant is intended to supplement existing Volvo Group North America and Mack Trucks manufacturing activities across the border in the United States. Volvo says that Monterrey “provides significant logistical efficiencies” for supplying the markets of the western USA as well as Latin America. The new factory will be a complete conventional assembly plant with cab body-in-white production and paint.

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