Volvo to launch FH Electric with up to 600km range next year


By Bradley Osborne - 9th September 2024

Volvo to launch FH Electric with up to 600km range next year

The Volvo FH Electric Aero

SwedenVolvo Trucks Corporation of Gothenburg, Sweden has announced that it will launch a new version of the ‘FH Electric’ heavy-duty truck model next year which will be capable of travelling up to 600 kilometres on a single charge.

Volvo Trucks will nearly double the maximum range of its FH Electric model by expanding its energy capacity. The manufacturer says that, by replacing the current drive system with an electric axle (announced at IAA 2022), it can create more space for onboard energy storage. Furthermore, it claims that improvements to the powertrain and battery management system will make the whole drive system more efficient, therefore contributing to the extended range.

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